Top 20 Award Day Nurseries 2022

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Summertime!This month the children will be learning about the season of summer, like going on holiday and to the beach, enjoying the outdoors and having picnics.

We will be looking at the clothes, food and equipment we need to enjoy the summer and stay safe in the sun whilst learning about the connection the sun has to the summer solstice and how it is celebrated at Stonehenge!”

We will be talking to the children about how butterflies help the environment and how they transition from larvae to butterfly.

Sunday, 20 June is Father’s Day so the children will be doing lots of activities to show their appreciation of their fathers and other father figures in their lives.

The children will be doing different yoga moves throughout June. We will teach the children that yoga is a way of focusing on mind and body together in a way to improve wellbeing, as it has lots of great health benefits including building strength and flexibility.