Hope you are all enjoying the rare sunshine this week!
This month the children will be learning about the history of the local area and our community. The Preschool will have a map showing historical landmarks and will be comparing how things have changed over time. Portchester Road, which the nursery is situated on, is a conservation area and we will be looking at how the houses down the road have changed over the years.
We will be teaching the children how to stay safe in the sun and the importance of wearing sun cream and wearing a hat. We will also be learning about our solar system and the planets near to us.
Across the nursery we will be looking at our own families and what makes us all different. The children will be making self-portraits of their families and we will also be making galleries.
The goal of World Bee Day on 20 May is to recognize and acknowledge the impact bees and other pollinators have on our ecosystem. We will be teaching the children that pollination is a necessary process to help crops grow and that bees pollinate 75% of all leading global crops. We will also be making a bee friendly area in the garden.